It would be safe to say that I am a self-motivated person, not needing a heck of a lot of prodding to start a new project or activity or even get daily, routine things accomplished. While I can procrastinate with the best of them if the task at hand is dull, I am proud to say I “see things through” to the end (to quote my dad). I have, after all, completed six novels in eight years. Not an easy endeavor. But I digress.
As such, I wasn’t compelled to compile a list of New Year’s Resolutions this year. Just the sound of that phrase makes me roll my eyes. I’d always followed a rigorous fitness and health plan and had plenty of recreational hobbies to fill my busy life. Indeed, I often looked for new hobbies and activities—from flamenco dance lessons to drag racing. Plus, I don’t need to lose weight, quit smoking or eat a more balanced diet. Sometimes I think I need to slow down a bit. Not be so compulsive.

Even if a friend would nudge me one year to compose a list of New Year’s Resolutions—so she wouldn’t have to do those things alone—the list of five quickly dwindled down to one or two and then completely faded away by February. So, what was the point? Even Covid couldn’t slow me down, though it was hit-and-miss at the gym for a while in the early months of the virus.
Reevaluating My Perspective

The Pandemic, now entering its third year, really forced me to reassess my perspective on life and my goals. I was doing well physically, emotionally and financially, but one of my passions—international travel—came to a grinding halt. Was I ever going to fulfil my travel aspirations of visiting Australia and Antarctica? Not if lockdowns and mandates continue to control my movements (as well as everyone else’s in the world). Thank goodness I was blessed with an insatiable curiosity, an adventurous spirit and the monetary means to visit more than 35 countries in my life. Who knew back in the Good Old Days that the freedom I took for granted would suddenly become curtailed? That some of my favorite activities would completely cease to exist?
Entering 2022, and with no end in sight to the ever-evolving Coronavirus and its resulting restrictions on living freely, I decided that I should compose a list for change in the New Year, even if it’s only one thing. I want to focus less on the restrictions in my life, on the negativity, and be more cognizant of my blessings. Instead of a clichéd resolution list, however, I’d write a daily list of gratitude. Each morning, I decided, I would write down one thing in my life for which I am grateful and then recall that one thing throughout the day. Doing so has afforded me a much better attitude that lasts throughout the day. I promised to be accountable to myself for doing it. Daily. So far so good. Five down, 360 to go.
Publishing Update
As I mentioned in my December Blog, I forged ahead and am having the third book in the Persona Non Grata trilogy published. It’s been uploaded to the platform on the publisher’s site. It’s tentatively titled Eve of Destruction, though I am still not crazy about that title. Anyone have any suggestions on a better title? I’m all ears.
Exciting stuff and I get to edit it once again. Get to. For the umpteenth time. But I will not complain about the process as I am on a gratitude tour this year.
I love this quote, which came from one of my daily readers, and fits the new me:
I will have the courage to do something new even though I cannot control or predict the outcome.
Stay vigilant, my friends!