by Author-Rochelle Kaplan | Feb 7, 2022 | Author Rochelle Kaplan, Book Writing Research Process, Disciplined Decisions, fiction writing, Positive Perspective, Writing Inspiration, Writing Process
To climb steep hills requires a slow pace at first ~ William Shakespeare When I read this quote this morning in one of my daily meditation books, I thought it to be quite appropriate as it applied perfectly to the slow, but steady strides I take in writing. I...
by Author-Rochelle Kaplan | Jan 9, 2022 | Book Writing Research Process, Disciplined Decisions, Eve of Destruction, Meditation for the Mind, Positive Perspective
It would be safe to say that I am a self-motivated person, not needing a heck of a lot of prodding to start a new project or activity or even get daily, routine things accomplished. While I can procrastinate with the best of them if the task at hand is dull, I am...
by Author-Rochelle Kaplan | Dec 7, 2021 | Author Rochelle Kaplan, Book Writing Research Process, Writing Inspiration, Writing Process
The last thing I want to do on a Sunday morning is to sit down and write my monthly blog. After all, it is Sunday, the Day of Rest—or more aptly put, Monday Eve—and the mere thought of Monday makes me lose hours of valuable time projecting about what little time left...
by Author-Rochelle Kaplan | Aug 5, 2021 | Book Writing Research Process, Writing Inspiration
I discovered a new quality about myself this week. Something I always knew I possessed but never specifically defined or acknowledged: I absorb and catalogue life stories from everyone I meet. Interestingly, most of the time I’m not even consciously aware that I’m...
by Author-Rochelle Kaplan | Jul 12, 2021 | Book Writing Research Process, fiction writing, Writing Inspiration, Writing Process
It should come as no surprise to those who know me that I love to write. So, when I was asked recently why I love to write, I simply answered, “I love telling stories.” But as soon those words left my lips, I realized why I love telling stories. I learned the art from...
by Author-Rochelle Kaplan | Jun 7, 2021 | Book Writing Research Process, fiction writing, Writing Process
If you’ve read my novels, you will have noticed I like to incorporate murder into all of them. Indeed, killing a character—whether a protagonist or an antagonist—is a form of psychotherapy for me. It is subconsciously cathartic. In fact, each “killing” probably equals...