by Author-Rochelle Kaplan | Mar 12, 2025 | Book Writing Research Process, Personal Stories, Positive Perspective, Reading Enjoyment, Writing Inspiration, Writing Process
I have eclectic tastes in books and movies though my default is to typically choose crime stories and/or thrillers. I attribute my tastes to the detective spirit in me wanting to solve mysteries. Or I think I thrive on the unknown and unpredictable. Interestingly,...
by Author-Rochelle Kaplan | Jun 14, 2023 | Author Rochelle Kaplan, fiction writing, Personal Stories, Positive Perspective, Reading Enjoyment, Writing Inspiration
Staying connected with people is essential, both personally and professionally. As social beings, we need consistent personal interaction with each other to maintain our humanity. And I’m not referring to social media, but face-to-face encounters and/or phone calls....
by Author-Rochelle Kaplan | Aug 9, 2022 | Author Rochelle Kaplan, Personal Stories, Positive Perspective, Reading Enjoyment
Regrettably, I didn’t produce a blog last month because I was on vacation. I know that’s no excuse and the guilt I’ve been carrying around for a month because of my neglect is heavier than the few pounds I gained while out of town. I admit it’s a good thing to take a...
by Author-Rochelle Kaplan | Sep 7, 2021 | Meditation for the Mind, Reading Enjoyment, Writing Inspiration
I have a secret to reveal. My brain never shuts off, even when I sleep. Day and night my brain churns out thoughts after digesting events and facts garnered from the day or week before. I used to think I was the only person in the world with this problem, but I have...
by Author-Rochelle Kaplan | Mar 29, 2021 | Disciplined Decisions, Reading Enjoyment
A friend of mine I will call “Sam,” who is an avid reader, confessed to me the other day that she hadn’t read a book in quite some time. In fact, she’d completely lost interest in reading. What??? She’d always have novels lined up, reading one after the other. She’d...