by Author-Rochelle Kaplan | Nov 8, 2021 | Author Rochelle Kaplan, Comfort Zone, fiction writing, Writing Inspiration
I have never felt comfortable speaking in public. I still don’t. Whether it was back in school when a teacher called on me to answer a question or at work when asked to give a presentation. Public speaking created such anxiety in me that I wanted to crawl into a hole...
by Author-Rochelle Kaplan | Sep 7, 2021 | Meditation for the Mind, Reading Enjoyment, Writing Inspiration
I have a secret to reveal. My brain never shuts off, even when I sleep. Day and night my brain churns out thoughts after digesting events and facts garnered from the day or week before. I used to think I was the only person in the world with this problem, but I have...
by Author-Rochelle Kaplan | Aug 5, 2021 | Book Writing Research Process, Writing Inspiration
I discovered a new quality about myself this week. Something I always knew I possessed but never specifically defined or acknowledged: I absorb and catalogue life stories from everyone I meet. Interestingly, most of the time I’m not even consciously aware that I’m...
by Author-Rochelle Kaplan | Jul 12, 2021 | Book Writing Research Process, fiction writing, Writing Inspiration, Writing Process
It should come as no surprise to those who know me that I love to write. So, when I was asked recently why I love to write, I simply answered, “I love telling stories.” But as soon those words left my lips, I realized why I love telling stories. I learned the art from...
by Author-Rochelle Kaplan | Apr 29, 2021 | fiction writing, Writing Inspiration
Choosing what I like better—creating characters for my novels or developing the actual storyline—is akin to a asking a mother to pick her favorite child. No doubt, she would likely say it depends on the day and her mood. Clearly, gripping characters drive a novel’s...