My Blog
Sharing my thoughts and providing real life stories for my readers to think about.
Social Media Malaise
Lately, I’ve been disappointed with social media and its ill effects on society. Yes, social media generally has many good qualities. It’s offered us an unrivaled means with which to connect with long-lost friends, classmates, and relatives. We’ve even made new...
Refresh, Redirect and Refocus
Regrettably, I didn’t produce a blog last month because I was on vacation. I know that’s no excuse and the guilt I’ve been carrying around for a month because of my neglect is heavier than the few pounds I gained while out of town. I admit it’s a good thing to take a...
Need for Speed
Everyone who knows me knows that I like speed. No, not the drug, but the rate at which I drive. I’ve always loved the rush of driving fast and obviously missed my calling as a racecar driver. I also like completing tasks at record speed, which often involve driving...
The Art of Perfectionism
At its root, perfectionism isn’t really about a deep love of being meticulous. It’s about fear. Fear of making a mistake. Fear of disappointing others. Fear of failure. Fear of success. ~ Michael Law How true and eye-opening that quote is. I am a meticulous...
Counting My Blessings
With a pure heart, I intentionally kicked off 2022 by promising to write a daily gratitude list. I never want to take any of my blessings for granted. Living in the best country in the world, I believe it is vital to recognize the freedom and good fortune we Americans...
Do it now!
Do you love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of. ~ Benjamin Franklin Growing up I often heard my parents and other adults say things like “Youth is wasted on the young,” and “Life goes by so fast.” While those words were not always...
Slow, Steady Strides
To climb steep hills requires a slow pace at first ~ William Shakespeare When I read this quote this morning in one of my daily meditation books, I thought it to be quite appropriate as it applied perfectly to the slow, but steady strides I take in writing. I...
New Year’s Resolutions and Other Obsessions
It would be safe to say that I am a self-motivated person, not needing a heck of a lot of prodding to start a new project or activity or even get daily, routine things accomplished. While I can procrastinate with the best of them if the task at hand is dull, I am...
Sunday Funday – the Day of Rest
The last thing I want to do on a Sunday morning is to sit down and write my monthly blog. After all, it is Sunday, the Day of Rest—or more aptly put, Monday Eve—and the mere thought of Monday makes me lose hours of valuable time projecting about what little time left...
Stumbling, Fumbling Words
I have never felt comfortable speaking in public. I still don’t. Whether it was back in school when a teacher called on me to answer a question or at work when asked to give a presentation. Public speaking created such anxiety in me that I wanted to crawl into a hole...
Fall and Other F Words
Fall is finally here. Thank God. The heat of summer is less and less appealing to me the older I get. I shudder to think I used to find it fabulous to drive to Palm Springs in the middle of summer to lie by the pool all day. Fall is fabulous. Fall ushers in—not in any...
My Active Brain
I have a secret to reveal. My brain never shuts off, even when I sleep. Day and night my brain churns out thoughts after digesting events and facts garnered from the day or week before. I used to think I was the only person in the world with this problem, but I have...